The Spaceberg Project
Spaceberg is a futuristic office comedy series. The pilot episode is available on Amazon.
It’s the story of Bexley Bueing, a smartass human resources minion trapped in corporate hell who discovers computers exploiting the management chaos to take the "human" out of "human resources." In the ultimate team building exercise, she leads her coworkers in a battle between human wits and computer intelligence.
The Spaceberg project is designed to be self financing. That is, the revenue from produced episodes is used to produce the next episode. We do it this way because Splashtastic Productions is not a charitable organization so we are not allowed to accept donations and investors are only interested in properties with an existing audience. So, our episodes are funded by the money we make when viewers like you pay to watch our videos.
We think this is a good model because in addition to providing funding, we get a sense of how well our audience likes an episode and the concept. So, after you watch this episode, if you like it or the Spaceberg concept, we would appreciate it if you pay a buck or two to help us make more episodes. The more funding we have, the more we can pay our movie makers. Think of it as a long tail kickstarter campaign.